Richard Marsh, Author, Bardic Storyteller, Tour Guide

Richard Marsh, Author, Bardic Storyteller, Tour Guide

Storyteller blog: Irish, Spanish, Basque and world stories

English Like It Is blog: Right, Wrong and Changing Usage

The Key Bearer Saga: a Celtic-Norse mythological fantasy trilogy

Meath Folk Tales

Other books

Proverbs and folk sayings: Richard’s designs for T-shirts, face masks, coasters, clocks, pin badges, etc.

Legendary Books

Richard’s print books: myth, legend, legendary history, traditional tales

Mazgeen Press

Successor to Pocket Poetry Press

Richard’s electronic books: poetry, fiction and non-fiction

Richard at Hamburg PA, 7 April 2008. Photo by Charles Kiernan.

Richard Marsh, Bardic Storyteller

Irish, Spanish, Basque and international legends and tales

Hear the medieval legend and a true 20th-century story about Santiago, the patron saint of Spain. (04.11)
(from his CD The Tower of Breogán)

Richard tells about The Great Snow of 1982

Dublin Storytelling Events

Wise words on the value of storytelling

Effects of Storytelling in Education

Links to Irish/Celtic interest websites

For Richard’s Legendary Tours go to

International Storytelling Network
International Storytelling Network

Keep up with Richard’s activities on Facebook.